
The content on this blog is my personal opinion and does not reflect the views of the Department of Defense or the US Navy in any way.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

In which real life gets in the way...

… of me posting my scheduled weekly commentary. Last week’s absence was probably already noted... and while there’s still plenty going on that I’m aware of, I’m not sure I want to rummage through sources and news articles for the length of time it’ll take to write about any of it this week either. Not when my free time is suddenly heavily constrained and simply finding an Internet connection with the bandwidth to be truly usable has become a chore due to recent real-life events.

Of course, said real-life events are also the type of thing that, for a Navy officer, also result in more things like underway watches, drills, and port visits. So you can look forward to some interesting personal and professional stories in a week or two.

In the meantime, I think I’ll repost a link a friend put on Facebook about two weeks ago: a game of sorts (something between a visual novel and a text adventure) designed to raise awareness about depression. I would encourage those reading this to go play it, if you haven’t already; I think it is an excellent illustration of how depression can work. (Although – if the trigger warning the game provides, directed to those suffering from depression, applies to anyone reading this, I encourage them to treat it with the caution they feel it requires.)