With yesterday's post, I've now hit the second month in a row where I wrote more blog posts per month than in any of the years prior to this one. So I'm feeling pretty good about the level of effort I've managed to put into this project. I will note that much of the reason I started doing this was as a test for myself to see if I could maintain a useful level of effort, so I'm counting my primary goal met so far - and I'm not done yet, of course. (Next month, given the lack of expected distractions, should show me whether I can actually get up to posting 80% or 90% of the days of the month, for example.)
I would certainly be happier if more people were reading what I have to say, but there will be time to build up more of a following later if I decide it's worth the additional effort to do so. For now, for those of you that are reading, I'd like to take the chance to explicitly ask for feedback. What do you think of what you've read so far? Is there anything you'd like to see me do differently or any topics you specifically want to see me talk about?
Anything you have to say is welcome, whether it's something I can use to adjust, criticism of the way I think, or simply words of encouragement. Thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to do so!
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