"As ever, don’t underestimate the intractability of people who have dug into their partisan trenches."
Not that it's even remotely surprising that the Russia investigation is causing both sides to dig in and stay there. Irritating and depressing, sure, but not surprising. There's not a whole lot that can be done about it, as far as I can tell, beyond hoping that whatever final report Mueller comes out with has enough evidence and solid reasoning supporting either complete exoneration or damning guilt to break through our tendency to focus only on what we want to hear.
... Of course, I tend to believe that reality is never quite so nice as to sit all the way out at an extreme for us, so I'm not exactly hoping for that. I don't think there's any chance we get anything other than a rather nuanced report, which will give both sides more than enough ammunition to keep sniping at each other. I guess we'll see when the investigation ends.
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